
We are a supplier of military antenna equipment to many countries and are now establishing ourselves as a manufacturer of military antennas for a number of European countries - with an agent in Turkey. We believe that our ability to design and manufacture will meet the needs of all customers. Our military antennas meet military specifications. We manufacture a wide variety of antenna jammers, handheld and manpack antennas, antenna goosenecks, antenna whips, and so on. With a Mast antenna - AM-D120-HA135-RA - the product meets MIL- standards, has a payload of 30Kg, a mast lifting time of fewer than 5 minutes, and can be performed with a Control box or hand-held controller. The product also includes an Emergency Button and an automatic stop system. Furthermore, the product MJ-05M06G03A-NF - one of the most popular today - is 1.5kg light, has high features, and is simple to install, with frequency levels ranging from 500MHz to 6GHz, 3DBi. Not only that, but for many years we have been a supplier of FT-7500 - Marine antenna for the region.

▲ 繼iPhone SE 2後,傳出蘋果將在3月推出iPhone SE 3。(圖/資料照) 

繼iPhone SE 2後,傳出蘋果將在3月推出iPhone SE 3。(圖/資料照) 


今朝傳出第三代iPhone SE 會搭載 4.7 吋的 LCD 螢幕,支援網路,保存 Home 鍵有 Touch ID。《PhoneArena》認為,螢幕、相機規格上對於消費者不會是最主要的考量點,而是能具有一款好幾年都可不卡頓、不亂使用這點,會是平價版iPhone最大的優勢。

售價可能會在399美元閣下若加上關稅等台灣售價有望是1.5~1.7萬,綜合規格進級,可謂CP值最高的一款iPhone 當之無愧,不過這些動靜還沒有取得蘋果證實,但果粉最快在本年3月就會知道蘋果是不是推出這款「超佛iPhone」。

The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort.

外媒《PhoneArena》指出,今朝中階、入門款手機安卓陣營是消費主力,以高CP值取勝吸引恢弘的族群,不過在傳出第三代iPhone SE 售價為 399 美元,約台幣 11,163 元,而搭載A15仿生晶片,跟iPhone13系列具有同規格的處置懲罰器,也等於算是中階機款中具有最旗艦等級的效能,加上iOS系統的不變性優勢,也估計會成為安卓陣營強勁的要挾。

傳出蘋果將推出史上最廉價iPhone ,估計將鄙人個月3月頒發第三代iPhone SE ,對另外媒認為這將會讓安卓陣營面對前所未見的威脅,客源恐被嚴重瓜分。


FT-RF Outoodr | Indoor | Horn | Military Antenna

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    Vehicular antenna

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